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Archive for the corporate culture Category

Talking the Talk

I like the old phrase, “if you’re going to talk the talk, you better walk the walk”. Your talk can define who you are as much as your actions can. But be very careful when your talk and your actions

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A Bad Hire

I read an article today, “The Mindset of Great Leaders“, that had a few interesting statements on hiring that are worth repeating… We hire people based on the number of years of industry experience they have, and then wonder why our

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Let go and move forward

I’ve been watching the latest on the new iPhone 5 that was introduced by Apple a few weeks ago. Lots of good press about the phone and also many complaints. Of course, some people are never happy and will complain

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Email Wars and Hot Potatoes

Have you ever been de-friended on Facebook or even worse, blocked? I have and it’s actually kind of funny and sad at the same time. How about being given the silent treatment? Have you gotten into an email war where

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Leading with Principled Purpose

This isn’t a post about firing people, as much as it is about leading, managing and doing the right thing. Leading is about doing what is best for the team or the organization and too often we come across leaders

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