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Loan Acquisition

Loan Acquisition

Does your bank’s loan acquisition strategy work?

Grow your bank at least 10% per year with the right approach to Loan Acquisition by implementing a strategy that focuses on your top producers.

Many community banks take a backward approach to the process by focusing energy on non-performers while at the same time end up dumping additional work onto their producers, hindering their ability to perform. If your strategy is not done correctly, your bank will negatively impact your best loan officers. They will become disengaged in the process and in many cases, they will leave.

What’s the key to Effective Loan Acquisition?

Effective loan acquisition requires a focused strategy that matches the bank’s relationship culture and philosophy. Too many community banks make the mistake of thinking a purchased list of leads or a cold canvasing mail campaign will miraculously bring in an abundance of loans. These types of campaigns may receive some response, but the vast majority of the respondents will not be the best customer for the bank.


Strategy Development

There is no cookie cutter approach to an effective loan acquisition strategy. However, our more than 20 years of experience has proven that a community bank’s strategy must revolve around 3 key areas, each with a specific focus.

We’ve been implementing successful loan acquisition plans for over 20 years. Let us help you to develop a Loan Acquisition Strategy that focuses on the types of loans your bank wants to attract while considering the experience level of your bank’s individual loan officers.


Contact us for more information on getting started.

SCMG, Inc.
9 Laurelwood Dr
Covington, LA, 70435
(800) 560-1127

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