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Oblivious to the Obvious

Captain ObviousWe’ve been seeing a few commercials lately from featuring a colorful character named “Captain Obvious”. His objective… you guessed it, stating the obvious. The more we see this character the more we’re thinking he’s desperately needed in the banking industry as well as any organization. What seems obvious to us, seems to be oblivious to many. Maybe you’ve noticed the same. Over the past month, we’ve seen the Oblivious do the following things. Sadly, we could list and elaborate on many more things, but this is a blog, not a book.

  • Micromanaging – Allow the people you have hired, to do their jobs. If you can’t trust your people to do the job then you’ve done a poor job of selecting and developing.
  • Replying to all in an email – When receiving a group email, avoid “replying to all” when your question or response only needs to be seen by one or two in the group.  Reply to the person that needs to see your response.
  • Group texts – The gift that keeps on giving. Avoid sending group texts in business. We all end up getting endless text responses that aren’t wanted or needed. Email is a great option in this case.
  • Cursing in a meeting – Seriously, if your words can’t impact others then a few curse words won’t do the trick. It’s unprofessional and is offensive to others and could get you fired.
  • Late for meetings – A meeting scheduled for 10am should begin at 10am. Showing up late and starting late is disrespectful to others in the meeting and also shows a lack of organization.
  • No show for a meeting – It’s bad enough to be a no-show. But not showing for a meeting with a higher ranking person on your organizational chart is just crazy and disrespectful. We’re far too connected today to just be a no-show. Even in an emergency situation, most can make a quick phone call or send a text or even get on a conference call from your iPhone. If you’re not bleeding through your eyes, you should attend the meeting.
  • Slow or no response – Some have the crazy thinking that if you respond too quickly you won’t look busy. Respond to email and voice mail within 3 hours, even if the response is to let one know you will get with them tomorrow with a full response. Don’t be the email or voicemail “black hole”.
  • Not using a calendar and task lists – 61% of people own smartphones. It’s safe to assume the percentage is significantly higher for managers in business. Smartphones have calendars and task lists. No smartphone? Computers have these same tools. They should be used. Stay connected.
  • Gossiping – Hanging around a gossip? Understand, he’s gossiping about you too. They eventually get busted and they should all be ousted.

Have you seen any of these things or have been guilty of doing any of these in the past month? Have no fear.. There’s hope… STOP IT! Recognize the obvious and make the necessary adjustments. Your reputation will be enhanced and your organization will be positively impacted.

SCMG, Inc.
9 Laurelwood Dr
Covington, LA, 70435
(800) 560-1127

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