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Reinvention, No… Management, Yes

After reviewing several scores over the past few days we’ve found a common thread. Of the branches and teams that failed to meet standard on phone shops and those that struggle to get cross-sells and those that rarely if ever get an advocate referral, the managers of those branches or teams are not participating in the advocate culture. We already knew this to be the case but it’s always interesting to see how the scores prove the point time after time.

We saw an article the other day from the ABA about the need for community banks to reinvent themselves. We’re not linking to it because reading it will be an exercise in futulity and we don’t want to waste your time. The reality is that banks don’t need to reinvent… They need to be managed. Managers are to participate in the culture. They are to match talents to task in order to make sure each employee is in a position to perform. They are to coach. There’s no need for reinvention, there’s no need to change things up in order to take things to the so-called “next level” (we’ve been hearing that one for the last 20 years). The need is for effective management. Managers… who and what are you coaching today?

SCMG, Inc.
9 Laurelwood Dr
Covington, LA, 70435
(800) 560-1127

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