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Sail Boats and the Status Quo

sail boatTake two minutes to read this article from Forbes, “Impossible Is Outdated – Here’s Why“. Sail boats going twice as fast as the wind blowing them? Sounds impossible, but they are doing it. The boats racing in the 2013 America’s Cup were twice as fast as those racing in 2010. Now compare that to your business. Are you or your organization performing at twice the level you were just 3 years ago? Ok, so you don’t race boats, but you better believe that the status quo boaters of 2010 would have told the innovators it’s impossible to double the speed of a sail boat. Wherever you are today, let go of the status quo mentality and focus on actions and innovations that will move you to performing at twice the level you’re at right now. And if you think the innovators competing in the America’s Cup are going to stop at their current performance, then you simply don’t get it. Odds are, they will again double performance in the next few years. As the article states, impossible is an outdated concept. It’s time to innovate and perform or you’ll soon be replaced by employees or companies that will.

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