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Whether you’re a leader of an organization, a department, branch office or a small team, you still have to lead. The effectiveness of your leadership will impact your ability to manage and it will impact other managers in your organization as well. Your actions as a leader will impact workers downstream and upstream of where you are. Knowing this, take a look at the following statement and seriously think about it.Great leaders think what the benefit will be to the organization in the future. Weak leaders think what will be the quick fix today.I know of two leaders that are part of an organization that is fairly stagnant. They thought it might benefit them to visit a similar, but highly successful, organization to see what they were doing. They wanted to learn. They both wanted to do what was right for their organization. What was interesting is that they both had very different views of what they were really looking for. One leader was focused on the so called programs of the successful organization. He was looking for that one program he could put in place that would springboard his organization to great success. The other leader was looking for the processes behind the various programs at the successful organization. The leader looking for the processes found that the same process of implementation was behind every program at the successful organization. The quick fix leader looks for the program. The great leader looks for and understands the process behind the programs.In other words, focus on the quick fix program and you might find a little success today but tomorrow you’ll be looking for the next quick fix program. Focus on the right process and you’ll build an organization that will thrive into the future.

SCMG, Inc.
9 Laurelwood Dr
Covington, LA, 70435
(800) 560-1127

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