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Working Like a Hurricane

In Louisiana, we’re no strangers to hurricanes and with Isaac approaching, everyone seems to be pretty engaged in preparing. We’ve been watching the weather for a few days, following the storm track. We check our water and food supplies to make sure we’re good for a week or so. We buy lots of gas and make sure the generator is ready to go. And many find religion and start praying a little more than usual. Bottom-line… we prepare, we plan and we take whatever action is needed. We’re fully engaged.

Now think about your job. For most of us, our job or career is in the top 3 things that are important, being that it provides resources to sustain our livelihood, i.e., money and it gives us an opportunity to make a difference. However, how many of us prepare and plan for work like we would for a hurricane? Even if you’ve never been in a hurricane, if one were headed your way, I’m guessing you’d do some quick reading about them, ask others questions about them and follow the latest news about them. What would your career look like or what could it become if you were to put as much effort into your job each day as you would preparing for a hurricane?

Prepare for your career – Read information about your industry, get to know it. Seek out training and coaching to improve your performance. Get to know your your employees and customers.

Plan for your career – Did you make a plan for the year? Do you have a plan for this week? Set goals… daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually. Develop your vision for the next three years. Know where you want to be.

Take action for your career – You can plan and prepare all you want but if no action is taken then you’ve just wasted lots of time. Make sure every action you take has a purpose. Make sure the actions lead to implementation of the plan. With proper preparation and planning your actions will be more focused to results and productivity than to activity and looking busy.

Are you taking a leisurely walk in the park or are you working on your career like a hurricane?

SCMG, Inc.
9 Laurelwood Dr
Covington, LA, 70435
(800) 560-1127

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